Editor's Notepad

That’s the way the tweets are in Texas

Kurt Hildebrand

Kurt Hildebrand


Former Gardnerville resident Brett Alder’s name came up in conversation the other day when someone mentioned that he might be moving back to Nevada.

Brett graduated from Douglas High School in 1997, where he was student body president.

He went to Brigham Young University and after graduation settled in California.

Then about six years ago he decided to move his family from the Golden State to the Lone Star State.

My grandmother was a Texan as well as at least one of my uncles. Both my mom and dad were raised in Oklahoma and Texas is where my sister lives to this day.

So there’s enough Texan in me to recognize that they are pretty easy to rile up when someone starts calling out the state.

Just a few weeks ago, his name blew up on Twitter after he wrote an opinion piece for Business Insider, saying why the move was a mistake.

It doesn’t take much of a search to find out what Brett had to say. I like to think that he might have learned at least some of his opining from turning the pages of The Record-Courier.

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On Sunday, I attended Teresa Duffy’s retirement party at the Topaz Convention Center.

There were scores of well-wishers there in the venue overlooking Topaz Lake.

Teresa has been a key source for the annual Trick or Treat Safety Street. The Carson Valley Active 20-30 Club named her Citizen of the Year in 2016.

She and Sgt. Bernadette Smith have been building up the county’s Mobile Outreach Safety Team to help residents who might be in crisis.

Kurt Hildebrand is editor of The Record-Courier. Reach him at khildebrand@recordcourier.com


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