Douglas County legal - 26752

Commissioners ADOPTED the following


ORDINANCE: 2022-1604

TITLE: Ordinance 2022-1604, an ordinance

to amend Title 20 – Appendix B of the

Consolidated Development Code by revising

Section 901.8 of the International Building

Code (“IBC”) as well as table 903.2.2 of the

International Fire Code (“IFC”) and Section

903.2.4 of the IFC in order to eliminate the

requirement to install automatic fire sprinkler

systems in all single family residences less

than 5,000 sq. ft. outside of the Tahoe-Douglas

Fire Protection District.

The ordinance shall be in full force and effect

on August 18, 2022 and was adopted by

the following vote: AYE: Wes Rice, Danny

Tarkanian, Mark Gardner NAY: John Engels

ABSENT: Walt Nowosad

/s/ Mark Gardner

Mark Gardner, Chairman

Douglas County Board of Commissioners


/s/ Amy Burgans


A copy of this ordinance is on file in the Clerk’s

Office for public review.

Pub Date: August 10, 17, 2022

Ad # 26752


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