The Jan. 11, 2022, R-C Morning Report

Monday morning's sunrise generated a lot of photo submissions, including this one from Topaz Ranch Estates resident John Flaherty.

Monday morning's sunrise generated a lot of photo submissions, including this one from Topaz Ranch Estates resident John Flaherty.


Genoa, Nev. — Library trustees will be selecting a search firm at their 10 a.m. meeting today in Minden. The three firms range in cost from $24,900 to $28,500 but all three think they can deliver within 13 weeks and include a new search should things not work out in a year. Trustees meet at the Minden branch on Library Lane.

Planning commissioners will discuss a code change to allow manufactured homes on 5 and 10-acre rural agricultural zoning and in manufactured home overlay districts. Planning commissioners meet 1 p.m. today in the Douglas County Courthouse in Minden. Go to to watch the meeting online.

School board trustees should wrap up their work on new districts at their 4 p.m. meeting today at the Douglas High School Media Center. You can watch online by going to and clicking on the big purple button.

Alpine County went to all virtual public meetings starting Monday after going from the county least affected by the coronavirus contagion to one of the most affected.

We’re riding into 2022 with no precipitation recorded in Minden for the first third of January and nothing in sight. We’ve had the rare goose egg for January before, with records indicating two in a row in 1984-85. There’s still a lot of January left, though, so fingers crossed.

Expect partly sunny skies with a high temperature of 47 degrees today and the wind calm. The high on Wednesday is supposed to approach 60 as the temperatures bounce along through January.

Kurt Hildebrand is editor of The Record-Courier. Reach him at


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