March 30, 2022, Letters to the Editor

Members of the Douglas High School Next Gen Republicans club gathered for their first meeting on March 16 during lunch at the school. Sitting is founder Sean Meehan, who spoke to the club about the Constitution. Photo Special to The R-C

Members of the Douglas High School Next Gen Republicans club gathered for their first meeting on March 16 during lunch at the school. Sitting is founder Sean Meehan, who spoke to the club about the Constitution. Photo Special to The R-C


Deputies need your support


As a longtime Douglas County resident and as a former Douglas County Deputy Sheriff, I encourage the County Commissioners to negotiate and to compromise in a concerted and collective effort during the upcoming budget meetings with the goal of bringing the salaries and benefits for our law enforcement professionals, the Douglas County Sheriff’s Sergeants and Deputy Sheriffs, to a level comparable to surrounding law enforcement organizations.

The Douglas County Sheriff’s Office has had a longtime reputation among the Nevada law enforcement community of having extremely high standards for employment. Like sheriffs before him, Sheriff Dan Coverley will not lower those standards just to fill an open position.

The importance of selecting the” best of the best” law enforcement professionals has never been more critical than in today’s society. Standards of honesty, integrity-driven and ethically based decision-making, compassion, cultural awareness and diversity knowledge and practice are just a few of the most important performance standards that the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office seeks when considering an applicant for hire. Physical fitness, education, and basic common sense are still necessary for a law enforcement candidate to be considered for employment with DCSO. 

I am aware of a number of DCSO deputies that currently live in Lyon County and Carson City because they cannot afford to reside in Douglas County. Law enforcement officers who live in the jurisdictions where they work are invested in those communities and have a sense of ownership of their communities.

As Douglas County residents, we all enjoy a safe community due to the efforts of DCSO law enforcement professionals. As a community, we trust and respect our law enforcement professionals and we want “the best of the best” law enforcement services available for Douglas County.

Please reach out to our County Commissioners and join me and so many others in supporting comparable salaries and benefits for our Douglas County Sergeants and Deputy Sheriffs.

Steven Orr 

DCSO Captain (Retired) 


Why I’m running for Congress


Today our country is fighting a perilous battle for the mind and soul of every single American. Now is not the time for appeasement and backroom deals. Now is the time to roll up our sleeves, push back against the madness, and restore America’s greatness.

Nevada has only one guaranteed Republican representative in Washington DC, which is in Congressional District 2. That representative must be a fighter unafraid to stand up to the DC elite, the liberal left, and many in the mainstream media.

As a forceful conservative, who refuses to quit or even give an inch, no one understands how to fight more fearlessly, or is more ready to, than I am. 

Unfortunately, the current representative in this District, Mark Amodei, has voted more with the liberals in Congress than with the conservative constituents he represents.

Mark Amodei has voted to provide citizenship to illegal immigrants encouraging millions more to enter our country illegally. Mark has voted to provide Planned Parenthood tax-payer money (your money). His voting record with every major conservative group is near the bottom of all Republicans. 

Mark was the first GOP Congressman to join the Democrats in support of President Trump’s first Impeachment inquiry. Apparently, three years of the phony Russian collusion investigation wasn’t enough, nor was it a concern to Mark that the Democrats would use the Impeachment inquiry to weaken President Trump just ten months before his re-election.

Are these the actions that the voters of Congressional District 2 want from their sole representative in Washington? Nevadans Demand Better! 

Last week, Mark defended his vote for another $1.5 trillion pork-filled budget by stating, “Let’s be honest, it was going to pass anyway.” That bill included over 4,000 earmarks, further escalating our national debt causing unprecedented and excruciating inflation. The bill includes a provision that so badly infringes upon our 2nd Amendment rights that the Gun Owners of America called Mark a traitor!

At that moment, I realized how important it was for a strong conservative to run against Mark. It is tough beating an incumbent. However, I have never backed down from a challenge in my life. I was raised to be a fighter, to persevere, and to never give up. These are the traits Nevada’s lone conservative voice must have, right now, because America’s very existence is at stake.

I will vote against any laws that promote and encourage illegal immigration, and I fully support a Border Wall and our hardworking Border Patrol. I will not vote to provide tax-payer money to Planned Parenthood, and I will fight to prevent any further infringement upon the freedoms and liberties guaranteed to each of us.

I’m running to not just win an election but bring strength and the people’s common sense back to the DC swamp. Your vote and your support for my campaign will mean that your vote matters again.”

Filing for Congress was a tough decision. I have enjoyed the positive influence I have made on the County Commission. I had to weigh where I could make the most difference. I believe that it is in Washington DC. As the first representative in Congress from Douglas County, I will work hard to assist the County’s numerous needs.

Danny Tarkanian

Gardnerville Ranchos

Support live theater


Nobody in Northern Nevada does live theater better than the folks at the Carson Valley Community Theatre. 

With the opening of their latest musical comedy production, “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee,” CVCT has produced a terrific show that keeps everyone entertained. With one-liners, unique and lovable characters, and all involved in a Spelling Bee that has intense pressure caused by the expectations from others and ourselves, the show is a hit! CVCT is recognized for its high level of artistry and professionalism. With the Putnam County Spelling Bee production CVCT has demonstrated once again why nobody does it better.

Word traveled quickly through our Valley that this new production was right on the mark. Opening night was a sell-out. A crowd of smart people showed up, ready to laugh and share in the intensity of a Spelling Bee. The Director, Amy Sando, fell in love with this Play the first time she saw it. Amy is the Head of the Drama Department at Douglas High School and selected several of her drama students to perform in this musical comedy. Freddie Baker, Athena Gribbin, Amara Brown, Zephyr Delgado, and Jewely Palmer brought down the house, with each one embracing their role and revealing immense acting abilities beyond their years. The Director, the Actors, and the audience, all participated together on a Fun Night that perfectly typifies why so many people love Community Theater.

The Carson Valley Community Theatre was organized in May 2004, to meet the need for a community theatre in the Carson Valley area of Douglas County. A budding actress from New York, Lucille Rao joined CVCT in 2006. In that same year Diana Jones, from San Diego, completed her career as a public educator and Principal at Lo-Inyo Middle School and Olancha Elementary in Lone Pine and moved to the Carson Valley. She joined CVCT. Over the years Lucille and Diana have worked in every capacity from acting, directing, to set building, ticket takers, tending bar, greeters, fundraisers, and clean-up crew. Together, they have worked their tails off to make CVCT a success. With hundreds of moving parts, and a myriad of differing personalities, successfully running a production company is totally difficult. Mastering the Play selection, marketing, set design, volunteer organization, and filling the seats is an Art. Today Lucille is the President of the Board of Directors and Diana Jones is the Secretary. Smart and personable, both Women have worked through and conquered the obstacles in their way. They have created an incredibly valuable asset in our valley that has withstood the test of time and is better than ever.

All of us need to gently nudge our excellent Board of County Commissioners to increase the yearly stipend to the CVCT. As a member of the opening night audience to see the 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee I laughed out-loud, almost teared up a few times, and literally grinned throughout. Thank You Lucille, Diana, CVCT Board Members, Amy, actors, DHS drama students, volunteers, and all who attended to make it a Great Night in the Carson Valley.!! What could be better??”

Joe Hooven


Student offers hope


We are writing to commend Sydney Hastings, Guest Columnist, for her excellent contribution to the March 23rdRecord Courier, “A Student’s Voice on Critical Race Theory in Schools”. We have watched news reports and read about this manufactured “crisis” over the inclusion of Critical Race Theory in school curricula nationwide. Ms. Hastings was clearly listening when her teachers covered critical thinking and her opinion piece gives us hope for the future of our country! Here is a very bright high school student showing great maturity, compassion, intelligence and empathy and her ability to articulate her opinion and her experience so succinctly and accurately is truly impressive. Kudos to her teachers, parents and anyone else who has helped her achieve such laudable traits. We are hopeful that her generation will be able to pull us out of these crazy divisions with their clear minds, fresh ideas and ability to see and speak the truth. 

Cheryl and Bob Haynes



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