Missing dirt biker found safe in Pine Nuts

Douglas and Washoe sheriff's search and rescue teams set up their command post at the Single Tree Access along Pine Nut Road 2 near where a missing dirt biker was supposed to rendezvous on Wednesday.

Douglas and Washoe sheriff's search and rescue teams set up their command post at the Single Tree Access along Pine Nut Road 2 near where a missing dirt biker was supposed to rendezvous on Wednesday.
Photo by Kurt Hildebrand.

A 21-year-old dirtbiker on his first ride in the Pine Nut Mountains was found alive after being missing for more than 24 hours.

He was reported missing around 4:30 p.m. Wednesday. His uncle said the rider was unfamiliar with the region.

The uncle said he spent Wednesday night calling out his missing nephew’s name with a bullhorn in the hopes that he was in the area.

Washoe County Sheriff’s Raven helicopter looked for the man all night Wednesday and was continuing to fly the area on Thursday.

Douglas County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue brought out its UTV’s drone, and even mountain bikes before bringing in the search dog on Thursday afternoon.

Searchers received a tip around 7 p.m. that he’d been found at a remote location north and confirmed that within an hour.

Washoe County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue aided in the search, providing its mobile command unit, in addition to the helicopter.

Searchers called in Care Flight to look for the man and possible provide transport should he be found.

However, he and his dirtbike were transported out by Douglas searchers around 8:30 p.m.


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