Centerville mayor takes office

Pretty close to the entire population turned out for Centerville Forever Day on Sept. 10.

Pretty close to the entire population turned out for Centerville Forever Day on Sept. 10.

There’s a new mayor in Centerville, after 94-year-old Lois Thran was elected on Sept. 10 during Centerville Forever Day.

“More than 60 Centerville natives and longtime residents came together for a delicious chicken barbecue with many mouth-watering side dishes brought by participants,” said spokesman Julian Larrouy.

Centerville Day was originally an annual event at the Storke Ranch and hosted on the first Saturday after the second full moon in August by then Centerville Mayor Roy Storke.

“There were many tales of the past remembered and what Centerville was like then and how many changes have taken place,” Larrouy said. “At one time Centerville had both a blacksmith’s shop and during the Depression a cheese factory, which became a saloon. There was once two saloons and no churches.”

Storke was born in Centerville and lived there for his entire 75-years, sleeping in the same room where he was born. He founded Centerville night for the community at Centerville Lane and Highway 88.

Storke’s term ended when he died in 1995.

“All the mail-in ballots somehow were lost, and a roll call was conducted,” Larrouy said. “In a unanimous vote 94-year-old Lois Thran was elected.”

“She has a tough slate ahead, but we are confident she will handle it with ease,” Larrouy said. “In all a great time was had and are already looking forward to next year.”


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