Photographer exhibits at Copeland Gallery

Don Langson's photo of a train rolling through Gerlach in 2006 is a sample of his work.

Don Langson's photo of a train rolling through Gerlach in 2006 is a sample of his work.

Photographer Don Langson is exhibiting his work at the Copeland Gallery in Minden through March 22.

Langson has studied the work of Ansel Adams, Ralph Gibson, Paul L. Gittings Jr., Robert Heineeken, George Krause, Nathan Lyons, Jerry Uelsmann, and Cole Weston to name a few.

Langson has taught photography in Texas and Nevada; is a founding member of the Professional Photographers Guild of Houston; and the Houston Photographic Society as well as a member of Friends of Photography in Camel, California. He is also an accomplished printmaker.

Don’s current venture is interpreting the vast landscapes of the American West.

The exhibit can be viewed 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday 10 am to 5 pm. His work is available for purchase.

The Carson Valley Arts Council will host an artist’s reception for Don 1-3 p.m. Feb. 10. The reception is free and open to the public.

For additional information or questions visit or call the Carson Valley Arts Council office at 782-8207. The Copeland Gallery is located at 1572 Highway 395, Minden. 


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