John Ramirez Jr

John Ramirez Jr

Former Stockton School Superintendent John Ramirez Jr. accepted a position as Douglas County Superintendent of Schools on Tuesday night in a 4-3 vote.

Trustees David Burns, Katherine Dickerson, Susan Jansen and Doug Englekirk voted for Ramirez just after 8:45 p.m. Tuesday.

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At least 100 Douglas County taxpayers, constituents, parents, students, teachers, staff and some school board members attended the Meet and Greet Monday for superintendent candidates, Dennis Holmes and John Ramirez Jr.

“There was a steady flow of people coming in since 3,” said Acting Superintendent Jeannie Dwyer. “This was good for everyone. People had some great questions for both candidates, equally; some were vague, some about their qualifications and why they wanted to work here, and some more direct and personal, but the candidates answered them beautifully.”

The Meet and Greet was an opportunity for the public to speak with the candidates before tonight’s special school board meeting for the hiring of a new superintendent.

During the meet and greet the question, “What does it tell you, when the interim superintendent didn’t want the position, or that no local or surrounding area candidates applied for the position?” was asked to the candidates.

“It tells me there is a need for leadership here and that maybe people are not comfortable working with the staff,” said Ramirez.

Holmes said in response to the question, that he did his homework and researched the district.

“I watched board meetings, read articles from The Record-Courier, and I’m familiar with some of the concerns and some of the situations and that’s why I came here, I hope I can be effective,” he said. “We model, as adults, what we expect for our kids. We may have disagreements, but we should respect each other and do what is right.”

Profiles, education, qualifications and other supporting documents of each candidate can be found on the Douglas County School District website under the agenda for tonight’s special board meeting.

Tonight’s meeting is 4-8 p.m. at Douglas High School in the media center.

During the meeting the process will be similar to the selection of Trustee Yvonne Wagstaff in December. The board will be provided a packet containing each candidates profile, education, and other supporting documents. Each trustee will ask the candidates two questions, then determine their screening on a spreadsheet, discuss, then take possible action and vote.

Those questions will be available to the public prior to the meeting at the Douglas High School media center.

If a superintendent is voted in, the board will take a recess to notify the successful candidate. After that, the board will discuss and take action on the process for negotiating a contract with the new superintendent.

If the board’s first choice does not accept the position, the board will discuss and decide whether to offer it to the other candidate or to reopen the application window and continue with the search.

Public comment is invited and each speaker will receive one and half minutes. Any comments that will require more than a minute and half is encouraged to put their testimony in writing and provide a copy to the Board prior to or at the meeting, which will not be read out loud, but added to the meeting minutes by request.


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