Residents question topless dance club- bordello licensing policies

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MOUND HOUSE - Residents are asking if Mound House's topless clubs are skirting county ordinances to stay in business.

Noting county policy states that topless dance clubs and brothels must be operated in separate buildings, Mound House Advisory Council member Rae Ann Stevenson questioned why the buildings housing the two activities at the Kit Kat brothel are under the same roof.

"I know it (the dance club) is separate from the brothel, but it's still combined together. It's one building. Does that matter?" she asked Commissioner Bob Milz during a recent advisory council meeting. "How can it be one continued roof and two separate buildings?"

The special use permit for the RAHA Corp.-owned topless bar, located at 45 and 51 Kit Kat Road, is being considered for its annual special use permit renewal today at the Lyon County Planning Commission. The permit was originally issued one year ago.

Told there is an enclosed corridor between the Kit Kat and dance club, one resident commented, "All they did was open a little breezeway to circumvent the rules."

Milz explained the original permit was issued prior to the county having an ordinance for topless bars and the owners have agreed to conform to the ordinance when it is written. He said the county is working on the guidelines.

The board voted 2-2 on a motion to recommend county commissioners renew the special use permit. Stevenson said she opposed renewal without an appropriate explanation regarding the attached buildings.

Other attendees at last week's Mound House Advisory Council meeting expressed continued frustration at advertising by Moonlite Bunnyranch brothel owner Denis Hof.

Milz said he had recently held a special meeting between county officials and the brothel owners to inform them of growing resident concerns.

"I told them if they continue to draw attention to this community and the people turn on them, there is nothing we can do about it. It's up to them. They need to police themselves," he told the board. "Everyone agreed - at least in the room, but it has gotten a lot worse since then by the one person."

Board Chairman Chuck Roberts said it is not just Mound House residents who are concerned and he has received calls from throughout Lyon County and Carson City. Others have told him of hearing advertising for the Moonlite on California radio stations.

"That's not the quiet business it used to be. I think if this business is going to continue in our area, he needs to be quiet, because the more he runs his mouth the more phone calls are made.

"If the question is asked (keeping the brothels) I don't know what the answer will be, but I don't think the brothel owners want to find out," he said. "There are three brothel owners. Two have agreed to curtail their advertising. I don't think the third one has."

What: Lyon County Planning Commission

When: 9 a.m. today

Where: Lyon County Administrative Complex, 27 S. Main St.

For information: call 577-5035 or 463-6591


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