Presidential electors meet on Dec. 17 to cast electoral votes for Donald Trump and J.D. Vance, based on the popular vote in Nevada.
The suspense in certifying Douglas County’s election results didn’t have anything to do with the actual operation but getting it certified on a stormy Friday afternoon.
Most of Douglas County’s newly elected officials didn’t appear on a ballot.
While included in election results, mailed ballots won’t actually indicate they have been counted until after county commissioners canvass the vote on Friday.
With Douglas County’s significant Republican majority, it was pretty much a foregone conclusion that Donald Trump would win the county by a 2-1 margin.
The two school board candidates backed by the We Deserve a Better Board committee won their races.
Candidates backed by the We Deserve a Better Board committee were in the lead in election results released on Tuesday night.
There may be as many 4,000 ballots left to count after Tuesday’s election, Douglas County Clerk-Treasurer Amy Burgans estimated this morning.
Douglas County took the lead for voting turnout with 51 percent of active voters casting a ballot as of Tuesday night.
As of Friday night, voter turnout in Douglas County is one of the highest in the state at 39.3 percent.
On Wednesday, Douglas County reported that the Trump 47 Committee Inc. has officially announced that it will be withdrawing its application for a permit to host a campaign rally at Minden-Tahoe Airport.
Despite the first instance where both of Douglas County’s justice of the peace seats are contested in the 21st Century, campaign financing isn’t anywhere near where it was for 2018, which topped $80,000.
A guide to the 2024 General Election
School board candidates raised slightly more than half of 2022’s record $70,000 in donations, according to contribution and expense reports filed with the Nevada Secretary of State by Tuesday.
In what could be one of the quickest turnarounds for a Nevada Supreme Court case in recent history, justices ordered a new hearing in the county’s effort to remove Jason Garrett Gibson from the ballot.
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