Obituary - Bernard "Chief Anawabe" Switzer

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A memorial sweat ceremony for Bernard "Chief Anawabe" Switzer, 88, a Carson City resident for 21 years, will be at sundown Friday at Galilee, the Episcopal Church campground at Lake Tahoe, with the Rev. Jeffrey Paul officiating. Bernard's son, Whitewolf Robert Switzer, Kascind, will facilitate.

Mr. Switzer died June 5, 2001.

Born Feb. 18, 1912, he married Gladys on Aug. 31, 1940.

Switzer was a member and supporter of the Episcopal Church for more than 60 years. He was a scouting leader for 25 years and is recognized in the Scouting Hall of Fame for his life contributions.

His son Whitewolf and daughter Rain on the Earth are both of the Episcopal Faith as well as adherents of the Native American Sweat Lodge.

The Switzer family, including Bernard's wife Gladys, requested this special sweat ceremony on church grounds and received approval from the Right Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, Episcopal bishop of the Diocese of Nevada as well as the permission of the clergy and vestry of St. John's Episcopal Church and Camp Galilee at Glenbrook, Lake Tahoe.


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