Black Rock bill deserves support

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Your Oct. 12 editorial (Time to support Black Rock bill) was right on target.

Not only have Senators Richard Bryan and Harry Reid shown great leadership in garnering unanimous support, they have also demonstrated once again what an effective team they have been for Nevada.

Your editorial accurately debunks the tired arguments against conservation by lifting the thin veil of misinformation that so often succeeds in killing other conservation efforts. I agree wholeheartedly that opponents of the legislation "should take a fresh look" at the bill. If they did, they would see (for the first time!) that this bill is a win-win situation.

Unfortunately for county commissions and other opponents, the issue has never been about the on-the-ground merits of the legislation. By voting last January against the legislation even before Senator Bryan wrote the bill, county commissions demonstrated their blanket, reflexive opposition to conservation of any kind.

One hopes, as does the Appeal, that the counties can mobilize just as quickly to support the legislation now that all concerns have been addressed.


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