First-time proficiency exam takers score higher

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More Carson High School students passed the proficiency exam on their first try this year than ever before.

Those passing the math portion of the test increased by more than 20 percent, according to results released Wednesday by the Carson City School District.

"That's a big jump," said Dorothy Todd, associate superintendent. "I'm really excited about that."

Fifty-four percent of the 574 juniors taking the math test passed it. That leaves 265 who did not pass it.

Last year, 32 percent passed it on the first attempt.

Of the 569 juniors who took the reading portion of the test in October, 415 passed. The 73 percent passage rate was significantly higher than last year's 65 percent.

Results of the reading portion were not available.

Seniors taking the test did not fare so well.

Ninety-one seniors took the math portion and 71 failed it. Twenty seniors passed.

Thirty-eight seniors took the reading part of the proficiency exam, but only 17 passed it. Twenty-one failed.

Those who failed will have another opportunity to take the test in February and again in April.

Both juniors and seniors who failed the test will be given the opportunity to take classes designed to target the subjects in which the students are struggling.

The exam, which students must pass to graduate, consists of three parts: reading, writing and math.

Students can take the test as juniors and take it as many times as it is offered until they pass it. The test is given in October, February, April and June.

Last year, Nevada graduated 12,543 seniors and 2,500 did not qualify for graduation. Of those who did not qualify, 978 did not graduate because they failed the proficiency exam.

Carson City graduated 411 seniors, and 33 did not qualify. Six did not graduate because of the proficiency exam.


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