Former governor criticizes Nevada GOP over nuclear waste issue

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In just about his first political move since leaving the Nevada governor's office, Bob Miller has joined Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., in accusing Nevada Republicans of misleading voters about George W. Bush's stand on nuclear waste.

Miller said Rep. Jim Gibbons is downplaying Al Gore's statement that he would block interim nuclear waste storage in Nevada. He said that is "laughable" considering all the work by Gibbons to prevent waste from coming to Nevada.

"The truth is George W. Bush went out of his way to avoid answering the same question when he visited Nevada in June and he has refused requests by his own supporters to clarify his position," said Miller, who fought continuously to prevent nuclear waste from coming to Nevada through his 10 years as governor.

"Republicans are apparently so star-struck by George W. Bush that they are willing to look the other way on the most dangerous threat facing Nevada's families today," said Reid, who is heading Gore's Nevada campaign.

"The contrast between the candidates on this issue couldn't be more apparent and for Republicans to somehow suddenly pretend there isn't a difference between the two is a blatant attempt to mislead Nevada's voters," said Reid.

Attacks on Bush by Democrats over the nuclear issue drew fire from Republicans Jim Gibbons and Kenny Guinn.

"It seems that the Nevada Democratic Party is in a state of panic after Vice President Al Gore declared that he may support permanent storage of nuclear waste at Yucca Mountain," Gibbons said. "Transporting over 77,000 tons of high level nuclear waste over our nation's highways, railways, near schools, churches and hospitals is poor public policy and both Al Gore and George W. Bush need to understand that."

Gibbons pointed out that Gore has said that if science deems Yucca Mountain a suitable site for a nuclear dump he would sign legislation.


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