Letter: Contrary to Reid's statement, Bush states his position on nuclear waste storage

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It is interesting to note that Rory Reid has become an expert on Republican policy for nuclear waste storage . Contrary to Reid's statement, Gov. Bush has stated that his position on nuclear waste would be based on scientific study. Reid's letter (Aug. 27) is not unlike previous Democrat claims (backed by the mainstream media) -- that Republicans will take away school lunches, Social Security, and Medicare; they want to poison the air and the water; they are for the powerful, tax cuts for the rich and on and on.

Get a life! Don't you Democrats have something positive to say or is this going to be the same old negative approach of trying to scare the hell out of the voters. No sane person would believe that anyone other than a terrorist, and certainly not the GOP would deliberately want to threaten our state with nuclear contamination. Let's get this issue out of politics and rely on a scientific evaluation of the issue. Having worked for the Department of Defense for over 25 years I experienced this type of paranoia numerous times and all of the accompanying heartburn that goes with it!


Carson City


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