Letter: Governor, others show way on bypass issue

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At the State Department of Transportation Board of Directors meeting which I attended on Sept. 20, our Governor, Kenny Guinn, Mayor Ray Masayko and the State Transportation Director Tom Stephens, deserve credit for receiving a firm commitment from the State Board of Transportation to fund Phase II of the Carson City Bypass.

Our governor was the catalyst behind the commitment, with the mayor proposing a partnership between our capital city and state. The state transportation director was responsible for his staff preparing the facts on which the board could make a decision. Our former mayor, Marv Teixeira worked with the state in 1996 during the initial stages of the project.

Compromises were necessary due to the ever-increasing inflationary impact on funding the project. There was recognition of aesthetics and the multiple use path. Assurance was reinforced that no funds would jump from the Carson City bypass to the I-5 extension.

The citizens of Carson City should be proud of our elected and appointed officials in assuring the construction of the total bypass project.


Carson City


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