Letter: Lack of concern for desert is amazing

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Once again I am amazed by the lack of respect and concern for our environment by some people. In regards to the Black Rock Desert bill, Mr. Trippet does not understand that for a bill to be brought before the floor by unanimous consent, it has to be approved by every senator. This is a fact.

Additionally, arguing that certain people and groups oppose this bill is a weak point. There is far more support to protect this beautiful area. The list is too long to include.

There is overwhelming support by those of us, far away, in the southern part of the state to protect the Black Rock. We want to protect Nevada's unique areas and preserve them for future generations.

Financially, it is better for the local economy and nearby businesses to protect and preserve the area rather than leave it vulnerable to misuse and degradation.

I am asking you to see the big picture and what is better for future generations. Not protecting the Black Rock will only benefit a few select individuals and will put the area in jeopardy of being destroyed forever.

Please make the right decision and support the protection of the Black Rock Desert.


Las Vegas


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