Letter: People shouldn't blindly support NCA

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It is extremely frustrating to see people blindly supporting the Black Rock National Conservation Area (NCA). Most think that an NCA will actually preserve and protect that area when exactly the opposite is true!

An NCA designation will bring attention and inevitable wear and tear of too many people and we will witness once again the ineffectiveness of government "management" which always causes more problems than it solves - witness the Sheldon Game Refuge in the same area. I was raised on ranches in the Black Rock area and still live near there. The area remains relatively unspoiled and I love it because it is basically as it was 50 years ago.

An NCA designation will be the beginning of the end of that area as I knew it. An NCA designation will boost the ego of Sen. Bryan and satisfy a promise to his college debate teacher, but it will be at the expense of the Black Rock area. I implore those supporters who have not informed themselves of the true facts to do so and join NCA opponents who are the real friends of the Black Rock.


Eagleville, Calif.


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