Letter: Question 2 a way to get right-wing to vote

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I would like to weigh in on the Question 2 debate. It seems this ballot initiative is a way to manipulate the voters and make sure right wing zealots will get out and vote with the hopes of boosting Governor George W. Bush's chances of bringing this right wing view into the White House.

This is a way to mobilize homophobic adults who have contributed to the problem we have today with our youth. Although the debate is supposed to be about marriage and a change in our state constitution, I believe the issue goes deeper and contributes to hatred that causes a variety of social problems. Although approximately 10 percent of the population has some form of primary or exclusive identity as homosexual and is considered a natural variation of human sexual behavior, this ballot initiative uses the debate to further demonize this population.

During adolescence when our young people are discovering themselves sexually, kids who may be gay or bisexual are subjected to insults, harassment and violence. To compound the problem, this denigration often goes without much attention from school personnel and parents. Homophobia can have severe negative influence on homosexual youth. Research tells us there are 5,000 suicides committed each year by men and women from ages 15 to 24. Estimates by the Department of Health and Human Services suggest over 30 percent of these suicides are committed by gays, lesbians and bisexual youth. Other studies reveal that gays and lesbians attempt suicide two to seven times more frequently than heterosexual youth.

This high suicide rate is linked to internalized homophobia, manifesting itself from social isolation, problems with self-esteem and self-worth, feelings of rejection, increased interpersonal conflicts, familial disintegration, substance abuse, alienation, school failure and depression. Research notes the 80 percent of this population had declining school performance, 40 percent had problems with truancy and 30 percent dropped out. If we care about our youth and want to make this a society where all young people feel accepted, please think about the impact the sign in our yard supporting Question 2 really says and who it hurts.

Homosexual marriage is already illegal in Nevada - we do not need to continue to teach discrimination and hate to our youth by continuing this ridiculous campaign.




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