Letter: Tough choice comes down to Democrats

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This letter is probably too late in this campaign, but I have agonized over the last months as to how to vote for president. I'm a gun owner, NRA member and a firm believer in the Bill of Rights, exactly as it is written. Al Gore and so many left-leaning Democrats seem to be actively trying to restrict our second amendment rights. George Bush and the rest of the Republican party seem to be out to weaken Social Security and Medicare.

The Republican idea to have part of Social Security deductions invested in the stock market could weaken the system but would certainly benefit stock managers and brokers. Most of us on Medicare don't want to be forced into insurance companies' HMOs as the Republican Congress has been trying. The Republicans have never been friendly to Social Security and Medicare.

I believe the original act had nary a single Republican vote. In 1947, when they finally took over the Congress, they tried to weaken or destroy it. Thank goodness for Truman and his vetoes. They opposed and fought Johnson on his Medicare plan.

After studying the issues, I finally decided to go with the Democrats. I think the Bush plans for Social Security and Medicare could be a disaster for both. I can live with restricted gun rights, but not without SS and Medicare. I hope my fellow seniors who depend on these programs see the danger.


Carson City


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