Stats: Capitol Classic Baseball Tourney

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Carson 4, Woodward 1



Girton, Kaney (4) and Roberts; Lucero, Davis (6) and Jacobitz. W - . L - . SO - Girton 3, Kaney 2; Lucero 9, Davis 3. BB - Girton 6, Kaney 1; Lucero 5, Davis 1. HP - by Girton (White, Paganetti, Melendez).

Hitting - Woodward: Ham 1x2, Sullivan 1x2, Small 1x2. Carson: Paganetti 1x1, Christensen 1x1, sac fly, 2 RBI, Melendez 1x2, 4 SB, Carano 1x1, Jacobitz 1x1.

Record: Carson 25-2.

Central Valley 11, St. Louis 1

St. Louis001000-132

Central Valley320321-11140

Clooney, Satnez (5), Borcherding (5) and Shadow; Paustian and Shannon. W - Paustian. L - Clooney. SO - Clooney 3; Paustian 9. BB - Clooney 3, Satnez 1; Paustian 4. HP - by Borcherding (Shannon); by Paustian (Sansouci, Borcherding).

Hitting - St. Louis: Shadow 1x1, Frede 1x3, Greenwood 1x3. Central Valley: Janz 4x4, 2 2B, 3 RBI, Trumble 2x3, 2 2B, 3 RBI, Patrick 2x2, 1 RBI, Acosta 1x3, 2 RBI, James 1x3, Shitanishi 1x3, Smith 1x2, Denson 1x4, Soles 1x1.

Indiana 8, Parma 6



Nellis, Borsa (6) and Gaub; Bass, Hinchman (5) and Armstrong. W - Bass. L - Nellis. Save - Hinchman. SO - Nellis 4, Borsa 2; Bass 3, Hinchman 4. BB - Nellis 6, Borsa 1; Hinchman 2.

Hitting - Parma: Moore 2x4, 2 2B, 2 RBI, Conter 2x4, 2 2B, 1 RBI, Evans 2x4, Frk 2x3, Gaub 1x2, Conrad 1x3, Davis 1x3, Yoder 1x4, Swisher 2 RBI. Indiana: Nevels 2x3, HR, 4 RBI, Phillips 2x4, 2B, Garrard 1x4, HR, 2 RBI, Bass 1x4, 2B, Vance 1x3, Armstrong 1x4, Campbell 1x2.

Danville 6, Taylorsville 3, 8 innings



Underwood, Nelson (6), Miramontes (6) and Gilhooly; Lewis, Shephard (7) and Moser. W - Miramontes. L - Shephard. SO - Miramontes 3; Lewis 3. BB - Underwood 5, Miramontes 2; Lewis 2, Shephard 1.

Hitting - Danville: Cherry 3x4, HR, 3 RBI, Grossman 2x4, Gilhooly 2x4, Graham 1x1, 1 RBI, Brunkal 1x1, Flaherty 1x3, Walsh 1x3, Festa 1x4, Ricks 1x4, Groman 1x1. Taylorsville: Swanson 2x3, Worthington 2x2, Wright 1x4, Wilding 1x4.

Cherry Creek 8, Santa Rosa 2

Cherry Creek1302020-883

Santa Rosa0001010-223

B. King, M. King (6) and Basile; Moses, Berg (6) and Lew. W - B. King. L - Moses. SO - B. King 6; Moses 5, Berg 1. BB - B. King 2; Moses 1, Berg 1.

Hitting - Cherry Creek: Roman 3x4, 2B, 3B, 4 RBI, Dimercurio 2x4, Miller 1x4, 1 RBI, Siler 1x3, Rudden 1x4, Williams 1 RBI. Santa Rosa: Anderson 1x3, Seger 1x2, 1 RBI, Larsen 1 RBI.

Austin 8, Hawaii 2



Wong, Thom (4), Santos (5) and Mitsuda; Hager, Bradley (7) and Janda. W - Hager. L - Wong. SO - Wong 2, Thom 1, Santos 2; Hager 2, Bradley 2. BB - Hager 2, Bradley 1.

Hitting - Hawaii: Watanabe 2x3, 2B, Marcoullier 1x3, Inamasu 1x1, Umeda 1x3. Austin: Zigal 2x2, 1 RBI, Graham 1x3, 2B, Thompson 1x2, 2 RBI, Bradley 1x2, 1 RBI.


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