Accused elder abuser set for trial

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The caretaker of an elderly Carson City woman denied Monday that she manipulated her employer's medication and attempted to steal her money.

Sami Marcia Louise Donovan, 49, is scheduled to go to trial Sept. 12. She is charged with abuse and theft of more than $5,000 from a person over 60 years old.

Donovan was arrested Dec. 12 when an official at Aging Services said 75-year-old Glenell Westphal was deprived of "food or medicines necessary to maintain her physical or mental health," according to the arrest report.

In particular, investigators believe Donovan over-medicated Westphal with doctor-prescribed morphine patches. Investigators contend that Westphal was drugged and tricked into adopting Donovan, making her the legal heir in July of 1998.

Investigators said Donovan used her status as the beneficiary of Westphal's home to secure a $65,000 loan and a $94,750 home equity line of credit. They are also alleging that Donovan induced Westphal to raise her salary from $1,000 to $2,500 a week, plus room and board.

Medications used to treat hypertension, heart ailments high blood pressure and diabetes were not administered in sufficient quantities between October and November of 1999, doctors testified at Donovan's preliminary hearing.

After detectives received the call, they contacted Westphal at her home at 1143 Valley View Drive. Detective Steve Johnson testified that she was having trouble carrying on a conversation.

Defense Attorney Bill Maddox said Donovan was arrested before another caretaker who also spent time at her residence could be investigated.

If found guilty on both counts, Donovan will spend at least 2 years and as many as 40 years in prison. She could also be fined up to $25,000.

Prosecutor Noel Waters expects that the trial will take two weeks.


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