Alpine County's admission to subconservancy district amiable

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All agencies appear agreeable to include Alpine County in the business of monitoring the Carson River.

Expressing strong support toward bringing the California neighbor into the multi-county district, Carson Water Subconservancy District Board member Jacques Etchegoyen said "this is one of the most exciting things I have seen in a long time. There is strength in unity, particularly when you can cross state lines."

District legal counsel Scott Brooke said he met with the Alpine County district attorney who said county officials are reviewing the options to become involved in the river monitoring efforts.

"I think Alpine would be willing to serve on a committee if you are willing to move forward," Brooke told the Subconservancy District Board Wednesday evening during the board meeting in Carson City.

The degree of Alpine County's authority on the board will be determined by the type of agreement established between the two entities.

According to Brooke, arranging an interlocal agreement is an easier process and is allowed in both states without state legislative approval. However, while allowing Alpine to set up a separate group to meet on occasion with the subconservancy district, it would not provide for their formal participation in district business.

Though a more complicated and time consuming process requiring the approval of the California and Nevada State Legislatures, a bi-state compact would give the district more authority to implement action in the watershed.

The headwaters of the Carson River are in Alpine County.

Subconcervancy District Chairman Bob Milz appointed a member from each of the district's member counties to serve on a committee to pursue an inter-local agreement while looking into the process of establishing a bi-state compact.

The Carson Water Subconservancy District was created by the Nevada Legislature to foster cooperation between members toward the conservation, development and protection of the water resources of the Upper Carson River Basin. The four county district is comprised of five members from Douglas County, and two each from Carson City, Lyon and Churchill counties.


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