Hate crime vote draws Gore off 'prosperity tour'

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WASHINGTON - Vice President Al Gore broke off his much-interrupted ''prosperity tour'' on Tuesday to hasten back to Washington for a Senate vote on hate crimes after promoting his retirement savings proposals in Kentucky.

Gore's potential tie-breaking vote as president of the Senate wasn't needed, however, as the legislation passed 57-42. It would give federal prosecutors more leeway in bringing hate crime charges.

It was the fifth time this year that the Democratic presidential candidate seized upon close calls in the Senate to underscore his position on key issues that divide Gore and his Republican opponent George W. Bush. And it was the fifth time his vote wasn't needed.

''This vote is a sign of hope for all of America,'' Gore said at a news conference after the vote. Asked whether his return to the Senate was politically motivated, Gore said, ''It's my job.''

Senate Minority Leader Thomas Daschle, D-S.D., interrupted Gore to add: ''I asked the vice president to come back because the last time this legislation was up it lost by one vote.''

Gore allies see Bush, the Texas governor, as vulnerable on the hate crimes issue because of the 1998 death of James Byrd, a black man who was dragged behind a pickup truck in Jasper, Texas. Last year, Bush was criticized in Texas by Democratic lawmakers for letting languish a tougher state hate crimes bill named for Byrd, although he signed an earlier hate crimes law.

Bush says that he opposes all crimes, not just so-called hate crimes, so he balks at special designation for them. Instead he favors strict enforcement of all laws.

''I personally don't understand why it is so difficult to see that these crimes are really different,'' Gore told reporters as he flew to Washington. ''They are fueled by the forces of hatred.''

Previously, Gore returned to the Senate for possible tie votes on Kosovo, abortion, gun control and the confirmation of two Hispanic judges.

As Gore returned to Washington for the hate crimes issue, aides were giving Democratic lawmakers a preview of a proposal the vice president plans to offer Wednesday cutting unpopular estate taxes.

Democrats familiar with the plan - costing $7 billion over 10 years - said it features a sliding scale exempting smaller farms and businesses from estate taxes, while leaving them in place for big operations. About two-thirds of the nation's farmers would be affected, the Democrats said.

Gore plans to offer the plan during a Midwest campaign swing, a region where many farmers complain that family farms often must be sold because of crushing estate taxes.

Tuesday's detour marked another interruption of Gore's prosperity tour, now in its second week. Distractions included fund-raising trips to New York, a shakeup in his campaign and a weekend off for Father's Day.

Gore said he would spend the next few days sharpening the distinctions between himself and Bush, focusing Wednesday on Social Security. Later this week, Gore is to focus on bolstering education, and next week to offer environmental proposals.

In Kentucky, a key state targeted by Bush and Gore, the vice president described a tax-free savings plan to augment Social Security and help struggling Americans put away money for retirement, a first home, or college tuition.

''If America doesn't keep making the right choices, we will never be able to give our families the help they need,'' Gore said, elaborating on his plan to use government funds to boost Americans' savings and offer a ''threshold of hope.''

The plan counters Bush's proposal to allow taxpayers to divert some Social Security taxes into private investments, which Gore said would ''empty the trust fund.''

Bush spokesman Dan Bartlett said Gore's plan was flawed.

''Low-income working people living paycheck to paycheck cannot afford it, and it doesn't stop Social Security from going broke,'' Bartlett said.

Under Gore's plan, kept separate from Social Security, a married couple making up to $30,000 could contribute $500 per year to a private savings plan, and it would be matched by a refundable tax credit of $1,500.

The plan, estimated to cost $200 billion over 10 years, is aimed at working-class voters.

On Tuesday the Democratic National Committee announced plans for TV ads to showcase Gore to black and Hispanic voters.

A new ad features Gore, speaking in Spanish, promising to protect Medicare and Social Security, expand health coverage for kids and promote public schools and higher education.

The ad is running on Univision stations in Florida, Illinois, New Mexico and Wisconsin, all swing states.

The DNC also said it would begin airing its spot on the patients' bill of rights, now running in 17 states, on black-oriented BET stations in Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio and Pennsylvania.


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