Letter: Bryan's Black Rock bill is about preservation

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By the time you read this, Senator Bryan will have introduced his bill for the Black Rock National Conservation Area in Congress.

Those who've been concerned that extremists want to block their use of this beloved area have had their fears laid to rest, I hope, by Senator Bryan's words at his press conference in Reno last week, and by all of the media coverage that keeps repeating: The bill provides for continued grazing, hunting, fishing, rock collecting, camping, horseback riding etc; the playa may still be driven on, sailed on, and the existing roads driven on; the historic trail may be followed as before.

We must look at each public land issue separately, for management plans differ widely depending on the needs of a particular region. Preserving some roadless areas is necessary, not for the selfish reasons of environmentalists, but for the preservation of species, habitat and the biological basis of life itself. It is an unselfish act on the part of all of us to preserve some few areas of wilderness in an untrammeled state, as this bill provides for in its inclusion of wilderness areas (already managed as roadless areas). Here in Nevada we are fortunate to have some acreage left to preserve. This is also our responsibility in a world torn apart by resource exploitation of all kinds.


Citizens for the Black Rock-High Rock Imigrant Trail National Conservation Area

Washoe Valley, NV


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