Letter: Fuji Park

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On Thursday, Jan. 6, there was a meeting held by the Carson City Board of Supervisors to consider transferring the overflow parking area of Fuji Park (17 acres) to the Carson City Redevelopment District. Public opinion was solicited.

The justification for the transfer of the property was to create a single agent for negotiating the sale of the property for commercial development, specifically a Costco store.

During that meeting it became clear that the majority of the public present were against the transfer and very concerned about the impact of such development on Fuji Park, both the livestock arena and the grassed park areas.

Representatives from the Carson City Kruisers, the Northern Nevada Gaited Horse Club and the Douglas County Posse said that they were frequent users of the park and expressed concern that the park usage was not compatible with a Costco store. An area of particular concern was the traffic; shopping mall traffic vs. horse trailers, etc.

The supervisors kept trying to avoid the issue by saying that the land under consideration wasn't Fuji Park and that Fuji Park was unaffected. However, they also said that they felt the arena area was underutilized and that if it had to go, they could rebuild it elsewhere.

After the public comments were made, the board voted to transfer the property to the redevelopment district. The board of supervisors referred to the anticipated sales tax revenue and Costco as a "good corporate citizen" as reasons for expediting the deal. They also seemed to express "Target/Home Depot" envy and a concern that Carson City was losing business to Douglas County.

It seems clear that the supervisors have determined that this section of Carson City, located close to the end of the new 395 bypass, is a prime candidate for becoming a commercial zone, and if that means that Fuji Park has to go, then so be it. They are making decisions that will in essence strangle the park while affirming that the park land is untouched.

If you are a user of the park and are concerned about its health, welfare and continued existence, please consider joining with the other groups also concerned and attending the appropriate board of supervisors and park and recreation meetings and letting the Carson City officials know of your concern.

Contact Barbara Alexander, 882-6265, Director of the Northern Nevada Gaited Hose Club if you are interested in being notified of future public meetings on this issue or would like to become more proactive in protecting or improving Fuji Park.


Carson City


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