Letter: taxed to death

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President Clinton is taxing us to death. Isn't Clinton satisfied with all the other kinds of taxes that he is imposing on the American people?

Now I read that on Feb. 8, Clinton proposed that he would withhold income taxes on keno and bingo. At present there are no taxes on these winnings. It's hard enough to win at these games as it is.

Section 3402, IRS code Q-5, states that keno, bingo and slots are exempt from withholding (taxes). Even tips are taxed, and that is wrong! A $10,000 gift isn't taxed and yet people who depend on tips to make ends meet don't get that same break. That's an IRS bully tactic.

The Nevada Supreme Court case on Feb. 198, 1975, states in Olk v. United States, "tips are gifts and therefore not taxable." Folks, write your congressmen and senators and tell them to fight Clinton on this ridiculous proposal and against illegal taxes on tips.


Sun Valley