No seasonal limits for Faye and Luther canyons

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Carson District Ranger Gary Schiff says the U.S. Forest Service has no plans for seasonal limits on access to Faye and Luther canyons if a new parking area is built.

Douglas County leaders had voiced concerns about a rumor that restrictions would be imposed on a trailhead into the canyon areas. Though a draft report from the Forest Service says that winter deer range management and days of extreme fire danger could mean limits on access, Schiff said such restrictions would only be imposed with a full public hearing process, and that isn't part of the current comment-gathering effort on a plan to build a parking lot and trailhead access.

"What we're hearing, for example, is people think we may close Faye-Luther all winter, and that's not our intention," said Schiff. "This plan is not calling for closing that area to winter use. We're just looking at the area in terms of deer winter range over the next several years. If we were considering it, we would go through a public hearing process."

Schiff said the district is getting many comments on a proposal to build a parking area that would hold 10 to 12 cars and accommodate horse trailers. Signs identifying the area would also be installed.

Some respondents are concerned the parking area will be too small, but "in general, most of the comments have been supportive," Schiff said.

A parking lot would decrease parking by hikers and other trail users along Foothill Road, which has been criticized as hazardous. The trails will be limited to non-motorized uses, such as hiking and horseback riding.

Schiff noted that the trailhead and deer habitat areas cross Bureau of Land Management Land, and the BLM has jurisdiction over the deer habitat on its land.

If approved, the parking area would probably be built in 2000. The Forest Service is taking comments on the proposal through Dec. 20. Written comments can be sent to Gary Schiff, Carson District Ranger, Faye-Luther Trailhead EA, Carson Ranger District, 1536 S. Carson St., Carson City, NV 89701.

The district's phone number is 882-2766. Comments can also be e-mailed to gschiff/


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