NOMADS not only problem with support

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The Child Support Division office in Carson City is a joke! Only thing is nobody's laughing. After reading the recent articles regarding NOMADS and the Child Support Division, I am prompted to relate some of my daughter's experiences with them.

Her ex-husband lives out of state, and the current plus owed back child support are garnished from his wages. The money is immediately sent to the Child Support Division in his city where it is promptly sent to Carson City. That fact has been verified more than once. Here it apparently stays collecting dust until someone feels like mailing it to my daughter. She never receives the checks on a regular basis, and the amounts vary although the amount taken out of her ex-husband's check is always the same.

Since she is allowed to call only on certain days of the week, she often has to wait several days before she can make an inquiry. When she calls, she is usually told to submit her request in writing, which is a waste of time since no one ever calls back. If she goes to the office, she is treated just as rudely in person as she is on the telephone, and the employees act like they really can't be bothered with her petty questions regarding the child support she's owed. She is not asking for a handout - just for what is due her.

She has also gone through the six-month-plus wait for her ex-husband's income tax refund even though his current spouse signed a release so my daughter could get the money sooner.

And last but not least, she has been treated badly for years - long before NOMADS was the Excuse of the Day! Shouldn't public employees be a little more receptive to the problems of the taxpayers who pay their salary?

After all, it doesn't (or shouldn't) take much effort to be polite to clients who have legitimate questions and concerns. It sounds as if the Child Support Services employees could certainly use a crash course in manners and professionalism. As one of the ladies in the Nevada Appeal article said - they made her feel like a moron. My daughter couldn't agree more!


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