Rehearing of Fernley development request, denied again

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FERNLEY - Failure to relieve concerns about access to a proposed development has led to a second defeat of a request for multi-family zoning for a Fernley property owner.

The only access to a 10-acre parcel owned by Wanda Cagliari is Westerlund Lane, used by the Truckee-Carson Irrigation District. The narrow gravel road, bordering the property on the south, is owned by the Bureau of Reclamation and used by the irrigation district for maintenance of an adjacent canal.

Lyon County commissioners denied a similar request in December, citing long-standing questions regarding maintenance responsibilities and the legality of public access to Westerlund Road.

A rehearing was granted when the property owners said they had new information.

Last week developer Don Parsons proposed access to the property by extending Ranch Road north across the canal and Westerlund Lane. County officials, however, noted that the property owners would need permission from Bureau of Reclamation and irrigation district officials before either the road or ditch could be used by the public.

Parsons presented commissioners with information that claimed a 20-foot easement on Westerlund Lane had been deeded to the county in 1997.

Discussion on how the process of application should take place led commissioners to return the issue to the planning commission and Fernley Town Board for further review.

"There is sufficient new information to send this back to square one," Commissioner David Fulstone said. "The issue of crossing the ditch and ownership of Westerlund must be cleared up."

The town board and planning commission previously recommended denial of the project, citing public opposition, traffic concerns and claiming multi-family dwellings were not the best use of the property. Letters and petitions from more than 125 residents have been received in opposition to the zone change.

The Cagliari property is currently zoned for one- and two-acre residential lots. Surrounding zoning ranges from commercial, high density and multi-family residential to two-acre residential.


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