Street Talk: Longtime Scolari's employee a member of the Karson Kruzers

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Rod Daily is 43 years old. For 25 of those years he has worked for Scolari's on Highway 50 East.

"I started as a box boy at Scolari's in that store and I never have worked anywhere else," said Rod. "It's been the only Scolari's store I ever worked at. I've worked in all departments and done just about everything possible in the store."

Not many people can say they've only worked for one employer at one place all their life but Rod can. And while he doesn't think that's "such a big thing" it is something different and today Rod is the frozen food manager at that store.

"I like my job, my fellow employees and my customers," he added. "It's fun going to work."

Rod was born in Lancaster, Penn.

"I grew up in San Jose when my family moved to northern California when I was 5 years old," he said. "My dad Bill is gone now. He passed away on Mother's Day of 1988 from cancer. He was only 57 years old. Mom (Janet) is 66 and doing OK. She lives in San Jose."

Rod is a divorced father of two sons and has an identical twin brother named Robert. Both live in Dayton.

"Robert lives next door to me and is married to Ellen," said Rod. "They have one daughter, Jill, who is 11 years old. Robert works for the U.S. Post Office in Reno. My sons Bryan, 19, and Andrew, 16, live in Carson City with their mother Elaine."

Rod moved from San Jose in 1974 because he had "been fishing" here.

"I liked this area so I moved here," he said, a big grin on his face. "I like to go trout fishing. I also like to cross-country ski, bowl (he carries a 158 average) and I like to read."


Rod has been a member of the Karson Kruzers since 1993.

"I'm into classic cars," he said with a smile. "I have and drive a 1951 Oldsmobile. I joined the Karson Kruzers right after I bought my Oldsmobile."

Rod said the club, formed in Carson City in 1985 with a handful of members, has grown to more than 100 members. He wanted you to know you don't have to own a classic car to join the organization.

"Just a love of classic cars will do," he said. "We encourage those with a love of classic cars to inquire about joining us. We are a nonprofit organization and anyone who wants more details can call club president Jack Anderson at 882-0829."


This Sunday morning ends the 16th annual Run What Cha Brung event at Fuji Park. If you haven't seen it, head over to Fuji for the fun and to see all those classic cars.

"It's a free event and the public is welcome," said Rod. "It's our biggest fundraiser of the year. We'll have over 300 cars on display. Everything from a Model-T to a DeLorean and a lot of 1950s Fords and Chevies among the many cars on display. It's a nice way to spend a few hours and a trip back to the past."

And if you are reading this early enough and are hungry, Rod notes they will have their annual Pancake Breakfast this morning from 7 to 10 a.m. There will also be a Poker Run today at 8:30 a.m. An awards ceremony and presentation takes place at noon to end the annual event.

"We'll have souvenirs for sale like T-shirts and caps and other items and vendors will have food and drink available to the public," said Rod. "It's a fun event and a nice way to spend part of your day. Stop by and say hello."

I told Rod I would do that like I do every year and I'd see him this morning at Fuji Park. Hope you can join us there!


Nevada's top air race pilot, Carson City's own Dene Chabot-Fence, competed in the 2000 Air Race Classic this week and while I don't know the results just yet, let's hope she and copilot Gloria May won the three-day, 2,300-plus mile race.

Chabot-Fence, who owns and operates Vitamin Villa on Highway 50 East, is an experienced air race pilot who has won many races over the years and has been a consistent top 10 finisher in many races. She has finished second and third in the Air Race Classic - it used to be called the Powder Puff Derby - but has not won what she calls "The Super Bowl of Air Racing" for the nation's top female pilots. There were 53 entrants in this year's race.

Tonight on our Street Talk TV Show on CAT-10, we'll fly with Dene in the same plane she races in. We'll fly over Carson City, Lake Tahoe, Virginia City and lots of other parts of Carson Country as we get a new and different view of our city and this area. It's a fun flight and it all begins at 6 p.m. The show repeats Monday at 8 a.m.


This was a no-brainer once I saw the price of birthday cards these days. It was either send him one or do it this way.

So instead of a nice fancy birthday card, my brother Paul, who celebrates his 56th birthday on Friday, gets this "Happy Birthday" greeting from me this way.

Paul, who lives in Jacksonville, Fla., with his wife Cathy and daughter Sarah, was just in Carson City for a visit and the former car thief (inside joke) turned businessman may even relocate to this area before all is said and done.

That would be nice, but until that happens, I'll just wish him all the best and hope he and his family are enjoying life in Florida and he has a great birthday bash!

Happy birthday, Paul!

(ALAN ROGERS is a Nevada Appeal columnist. His message phone is 887-2430, ext. 402.)


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