Students celebrate Dr. Seuss' birthday by reading

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Nine years after his death, the nation is still celebrating the birthday of children's literature author Dr. Suess with what he inspired - reading.

Thursday, the birthday of author Theodore Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss, was declared as Read Across America day, in which reading was the primary focus.

The Carson City Library and Carson schools celebrated with various activities.

Paola Ferate, youth librarian at the Carson City Library, helped organize a birthday party for Dr. Suess.

"We wanted to honor the great Dr. Suess who has influenced so many people," Ferate said. "He played with language and made it fun to read."

Georgette Maddox brought her 4-year-old granddaughter, Alissa Hayes, to the celebration at the library.

"I think this is a great program and it's fun," she said. "She (Alyssa) loves to read, and Dr. Suess is one of our favorites."

Robin Cunningham, a first-grader at Fremont Elementary, said she came because she likes Dr. Suess books.

"I read them all the time," she said. "They're funny and they're fun to read."

Principal of Fritsch Elementary School, Dave Albers, said he thought it was appropriate that Dr. Suess' birthday was set aside as a day dedicated to reading.

"A lot of Dr. Seuss books have many qualities that help kids learn to read," Albers said.

Read Across America day also kicks off March as National Reading Month.

Albers said it is a good idea to concentrate on reading.

"Reading is the number one of the basics," Albers said. "It's your first 'R'."

Fourth and fifth graders at Fritsch spent the entire day reading.

Becky Erdmann, the Success for All facilitator at Bordewich-Bray Elementary School, said that reading is stressed every day at the school.

"This is a month when we're really going to have fun with reading," she said.

Linda Law, a policy analyst for the governor, read the official declaration from Gov. Kenny Guinn to students at Bordewich Bray-declaring Thursday Read Across America day.

Secretary of State Dean Heller was part of the celebration at Fremont Elementary School as a celebrity reader. He read stories for two assemblies.

Students at Fremont also set a goal not to watch television throughout the week, said Tammy Curran, president of the parent-teacher association.

As an alternative to watching television, the school planned a Read and Feed night when families could bring a book, a blanket and a dessert and spend some time reading together.

"It's a great way for families to spend some time together," Curran said.

Superintendent Jim Parry and Associate Superintendents Dorothy Todd and Mary Pierczynski read to the students at Mark Twain Elementary.

Principal Mary Garey said she plans to hold a full-fledged birthday party next year.

"Next year, I'd like to do a schoolwide celebration," she said.

Sydney Hannon, a first- and second-grade combination teacher at Seeliger Elementary integrated Dr. Suess in the school day as well.

She said the class made one of the mixtures from one of his books.

"We tied science to literature," Hannon said.

Even Start planned a family night at Empire Elementary with carnival games to celebrate reading and Dr. Suess for families involved in the Even Start program.


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