Petitioners hit a snag

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A group working to preserve the Carson City fairgrounds and Fuji Park in its current location is still working to gather signatures for its initiative petition.

The Concerned Citizens to Save Fuji Park and the Fairgrounds filed a petition June 14 requesting Fuji Park and the fairgrounds "be maintained and improved in not less than its present size as a park in perpetuity."

While they have collected over 2,000 signatures, about 10 percent of the signatures have come from non-registered Carson voters, said spokesman Jon Knowlin. Many people with Carson City addresses living in Lyon and Douglas counties apparently signed the petition, even though petition gatherers ask that all who sign be register to vote in the capital.

"A lot of users in Douglas County and Dayton want to be able to register or protest," Knowlin said. "It is not helpful to us if they misrepresent themselves. People have to be registered just so they can sign."

The group needs just under 3,000 signatures. City officials have threatened not to certify the petitions, although the group's attorney said the move could lead the two sides to court.

The Concerned Citizens hold weekly protests every Tuesday in front of City Hall, 201 N. Carson St. Petitions are available for signature there. For information call 885-9997 or e-mail


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