Stewart land still possible site for fairgrounds

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Land at the Stewart facility in South Carson City is again being considered as a potential site for relocating the city fairgrounds.

City parks officials are considering five sites for the fairgrounds, and Park Planner Vern Krahn said Friday the city is again considering Stewart as a location.

The state wouldn't discuss with city officials the fairgrounds moving to Stewart when the idea was first advanced over a year ago. Krahn said he was not sure why Stewart is again an option.

Fairground plans for Stewart and five other fairgrounds sites - three in East Carson, Edmonds Park and property near the Nevada State Prison off Bigelow Drive - will be presented to the Fuji Park Users Coalition on Monday.

Updated plans for Fuji Park will also be presented to users.

The users group met three weeks ago to discuss changes to the park and fairgrounds. At the same time, a city consultant is studying the sale potential of the fairground property.

Krahn said park users will be asked to prioritize a fairground relocation site. Park staff plans on taking the fairground and park changes to the city's Parks and Recreation Committee for approval Sept. 18.

The work comes one month after city supervisors opted to explore commercial development of the Carson City Fairgrounds. Mayor Ray Masayko gave a 90-day deadline to work out options for the fairgrounds, including a suitable relocation site and a definition of potential development at the current site.

The future of the park and fairgrounds have been in limbo since the city decided to sell 18 acres of unused Fuji Park property to Costco in December 1999. Since then, the city's plans for further development in the area has drawn criticism from various community groups.

What: Fuji Park Users Coalition meeting

When: 5:30 p.m. Monday

Where: Automotive building of Western Nevada Community College, West College Parkway


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