Residents do not want new crushing operation in their neighborhood

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MOUND HOUSE - Recycling of torn-up asphalt and concrete may sound like a good idea, but don't do it in the midst of a residential area.

That was the message attendees at a recent Mound House Advisory Council meeting sent to Denio Equipment Rentals proposal to locate a recycling operation on Linehan Road, using a portion of American Ready Mix's property.

Appearing before the Mound House Advisory Council, representatives said the crushing and blending process would only take place five days per month, but that approximately 10 truck loads of discarded/torn-up asphalt and concrete would be hauled in on a daily basis. The materials are currently disposed of in the county landfill.

Advisory Council Chairman Chuck Roberts noted the recycling proposal was a good idea in bad location.

"I see a problem with it," Roberts said. "If you are only crushing five times a month, you are going to be accumulating 2,000 to 3,000 tons on site before you crush. Aside from the dust and traffic, there is the issue of the accumulation of this material on the highway corridor. And it is going to be coming to an already bad intersection."

The materials are currently disposed of at the county landfill for $7 per ton. According to the proposal, it could be recycled for less, but needs to be crushed down to meet state highway construction standard consistency and blended. It makes a more superior road base than the natural material because it has the concrete dust in it. With moisture, it compacts denser and tighter.

Proponents assured residents that the process should create less dust than the other gravel operations in the area.

The American Ready Mix property offered a convenient location but representatives said they would not be there indefinitely.

However, resident Norm Hogatt said such industrial businesses do not belong close to residential properties.

"With any business, once you start you get more and more and more. I don't know why they are not in the industrial area. It's great having them for neighbors, but why can't we have all that stuff in one area and residential separate?"

The council unanimously recommended county officials deny the application.


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