Storey sheriff not required to tote a gun

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Storey County Sheriff Pat Whitten does not have the special certification needed to use a gun in the line of duty, an issue that surfaced at this week's county commissioner's meeting.

"I remember his promise to comply, right after his election," said Storey County resident Jaunita Cox. "He hasn't done that and I demand he be investigated for malfeasance of office and oath of office violations."

Whitten, who is running for sheriff this year, said he is an administrator, not a police officer.

"I've never hidden my lack of POST certification and I find this type of dirty politics disgusting and reprehensible," he said. "I welcome any comments."

According to a statement issued by the Storey County District Attorney's Office this week, Whitten is qualified to act as the administrator of the Storey County Sheriff's Office.

Nevada Revised Statutes don't outline any qualifications for the office, saying only that a county sheriff has the powers of a peace officer.

According to Statute 289.550, peace officers must obtain certification within one year of hire. A person who doesn't become certified within the statutory time cannot exercise the powers of a peace officer.

"A county sheriff may serve as an executive officer in the role of an administrator and supervisor of a law enforcement agency without exercising peace officer powers," said a statement released by Virgil Bucchianeri, Storey County district attorney.


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