Hard work and heart made for good manager

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We'd like to publicly congratulate John Berkich on his new position in Washoe County, as well as thank him for his service to Carson City. Whether you agreed with John or not, there was never a doubt that he held the interests of the city in his heart.

Running a city, particularly a city in transition like ours, is one of the toughest jobs around. Doing so for 12 years is an astounding accomplishment in a field where managers typically stay for just a few years before moving on. When you met John, you learned quickly that this isn't a guy who just took this job for the money -- with his skill set he could have earned much more in private business. He believes in Carson City. He worked tirelessly to improve the quality of life through things like open space and business recruitment. He had vision, as demonstrated by the Quality of Life initiative and the more recent strategic planning work. John didn't shy from controversy and didn't shrink from a battle when he felt Carson City needed it. These jobs are often not popularity contests. and John wasn't afraid to take the heat for things he felt important. This paper occasionally joined the ranks of those who disagreed with John, but we always knew he came by his views honestly and we respected him for it.

John leaves a strong management and employee team at the city -- we know he's proud of them and he has good reason for it. His successor will have big shoes to fill.

Please join us in thanking John for leaving our community a better place and for making a positive difference for the future of our proud capital city.


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