Carson Middle School students place second in contest

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Carson Middle School students created the "best futuristic city" and placed second overall during a Future Cities competition last weekend.

"They did a very good job," said Kristena Shigenaga, a special projects engineer for the state who helped the students with their project. "They were very imaginative. They put a lot of thought into the appearance of their city which I don't think a lot of other schools did."

The group made up of Cody Jo Kefer, 14, Sarah McAllister, 13, and Tiffany Fether, 13, designed a to-scale model of their fantasy city, Sputnik, where houses are round, cars fly and everything is purple, pink and glittery.

The team placed second out of 21 schools participating last weekend at the University of Nevada, Reno.

"Working together on the project was fun," Fether said. "I miss it already."

The girls framed a photograph of themselves with their teacher Stuart Rawlings to send to him in thanks of his help and support. Rawlings resigned his teaching position shortly after the contest to join his wife, Laura, who had taken a job in Washington, D.C.

The competition is sponsored by the Regional Transportation Commission, the American Public Works Association and Our Future Cities.


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