Do quarterbacks make good golfers?

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STATELINE - Six of the top 10 golfers on the leaderboard at the American Century Celebrity Golf Championship are quarterbacks. Neil Lomax, who's tied with two others for first at 1-under, has a simple explanation for the phenomenon.

Lomax said the other day that quarterbacks were usually better golfers because they are so good looking.

"Oh, man, Neil said that. I guess he was talking about us," said Steve Bartkowski, looking over at John Elway.

"I have no comment. I'm going to leave on that one," said Elway, obviously not impressed with Lomax' mug.

On a more serious note, though, is the quarterbacks think there has to be something to quarterbacks and golf.

"I'm not sure what it is,' said Bartkowski, a former All Pro quarterback with the Atlanta Falcons. "I just think it's what's inside a guy that's played that position.

Bartkowski and Elway are both one shot back of the leaders at even par. The former Denver Bronco, who won two Super Bowls during the end of his career there, feels the pressure of the quarterback position breeds good golfers.

"I think we are used to it as quarterbacks," Elway said. "We have a lot to do with every play (in football) but we really don't control our own destiny because you have 11 others guys and 11 guys have to be going the same direction and everybody has to be doing their job for us to be successful offensively. You are doing your job but also working with 10 other guys, whereas, golf, it's you and you only."

Elway even went as far as saying perhaps the greatest athlete ever, Michael Jordan, believes he played the wrong sport.

"MJ wishes he was a quarterback," Elway said of the six-time world champion, who shot an opening-round 83 on Friday. "They are the best athletes, what do you expect?"


Sacramento's Mike Bibby and Chris Webber may be two of the best players in the NBA but they are the two worst golfers in the tournament. Bibby shot a 55 over 127 in Friday's worst round. Not to be outdone, though, was Webber, who shot an all-time tournament worst 143, including an 80 on the front nine. Webber bested his own all-time low with last year's 131.

Bibby didn't fare as bad on the front, shooting a 70. His comment walking off the ninth green after someone told him at least you're still smiling: "I ain't hit nobody yet."

There's still two rounds left, Mike.


Tim Gray, of Stone Mountain, Geo., beat three others in a 65-foot putt off on Friday at Edgewood Tahoe Golf Course. He left his putt seven feet short of the cup and will get a chance to win $10 million if he sinks the same putt today on the 18th hole. If Gray, 47, doesn't want the big cash, he can opt to putt from only 20 feet away. If he sinks that putt, he'll win $1 million. For every five feet he moves back, he'll win another million, all the back to a 65 feet for the full amount awarded in the Beck's beer sponsored event.


Philadelphia Flyer forward Jeremy Roenick won the Taylor Made Long Drive competition on Friday with his 340-yard blast. It's the second time in three years Roenick has won the event.


Ray Allen of the Milwaukee Bucks 21-foot birdie putt on No. 17. Allen finished with an 81.


"I'm 45-1, I got some casinos really worried right now."

-Neil Lomax, tied for the first round lead after shooting a 1-under 71 on Friday.


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