The pros and cons

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Reading the pro and con arguments on the Fuji Park/fairgrounds ballot question, we didn't find much in the way of new information that would sway voters who have already made up their minds on the issue.

For people who have not followed the debate or are on the fence, though, there is plenty of information in the summaries to get a firm grasp of the two sides.

We urge Carson City residents to read them (the arguments and rebuttals were on Page A9 of Wednesday's edition of the Appeal) before they get to the voting booth. That will give them time to consider and perhaps ask questions in preparation for election day. And by all means get out and vote.

One thing that did strike us as new in the "Yes" camp's rebuttal was the characterization of the opposition as a "small, militant special interest group."

We looked up "militant" just to be sure, and it said exactly what we thought it meant: "fighting, engaged in war, serving as a soldier."

We've never seen anything in the Concerned Citizens to Save Fuji Park and the Fairgrounds that struck us as the least bit militant. In fact, we can't think of anything they've done that could even be considered civilly disobedient.

If walking up and down the sidewalk in front of City Hall with protest signs is someone's idea of "militant," then we have some shocking news for them. There are, indeed, militant groups in the country and in this state. They carry weapons. They are capable of doing harm to people.

If the phrase was supposed to be metaphorical, then it was a mighty poor choice. To label a group of otherwise ordinary residents as "militant" because they pursued their right to circulate petitions and try to protect a park and fairgrounds on behalf of 4-Hers, horse enthusiasts, car buffs and dog handlers is nothing short of inflammatory.

It sounds to us like somebody let their emotions get in the way of the facts.


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