Catholic evangelist speaks in Carson, Gardnerville

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Catholic evangelist Jesse Romero will bring his insight to Carson City on Sunday.

Romero, from Sylmar, Calif., said his 17-year career with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department was an eye-opener for him and served as a catalyst for his evangelism.

"Basically, just confronting all the situations I saw as a policeman for 17 years -- the juvenile delinquency, divorce and others, I felt a need that people needed the gospel," said Romero.

"As a policeman, I could only provide that on a micro level. As an evangelist, it's more on a macro level."

While a policemen, Romero, now 40, was a three-time World Police Olympic Boxing Champion and two-time Middleweight U.S. Kick-boxing Champion. He participated in the sports to keep physically fit. He also taught kick-boxing in addition to Tang Soo Do Korean Karate, which he holds a black belt in.

He competed in 41 matches to obtain the title of U.S. Kick-Boxing champion. He was 29 and 30 years of age when he was champion.

"I loved it," said Romero of his competition experience. "I love what I did.

"I started karate at the age of 13. The boxing, I did just to stay in shape. When I was boxing I was 5 feet, 10 inches tall and weighed 165. Now, I'm about 180."

He retired from law enforcement in 1998.

"I never thought I would change careers, but I did. And I have no regrets. No regrets."

Romero is bilingual and said he does many engagements in Spanish. His purpose of all engagements is to communicate the message of the gospel.

"I encourage all to come listen (to me). The more the merrier.

"A lot of people can identify with a lay person like myself. I'm just one of the rank and file. I pay bills, change diapers, go to baseball games -- it gives me some credibility with others."

Romero said he is tailor made to do what he's doing now, because of what he's done in the past.

"As a policeman and karate and boxing instructor, I'm in a position of authority. I teach and give instructions, handle problems and deal with people's enigmas. It was the perfect school to train me to be a Catholic evangelist."

Romero relates his stories as a policeman and boxer fighting in the ring as to the likeness of what Jesus did by way of parables.

"It engages the youth -- the stories are endeared with a message. And you become the message that you share. You try to embody what you say.

"I preach to myself when I speak to an audience. I think, 'do I live out what I say to the audience?' I feel I do, to the best of my ability.

"I've been married 17 years and have been faithful to my wife. I have three beautiful children, ages 13, 9 and 6.

"By God's grace I've been able to be consistent with my lifestyle and commitment. I know it ain't' gonna happen with magic."

Romero's presentation Sunday is "Healing of Memories." He feels there is a lot of healing (personally and spiritually) in the act of forgiveness. And, it is medicine for the soul.

"You forgive yourself first," said Romero. "We're real hard on ourselves, we are our worst critics. We forgive ourselves, our shortcomings and family members. When you release others from that bond, it's medicinal. A healing bond for your soul."

Romero said with his personal healing, he has no hate in his soul.

"I can honestly say there is nobody right now I hate. Not in the last 10 years. It takes energy to hate and I don't want to expend that energy.

"Jesus Christ has given us his own spirit, which makes it possible to forgive. We think like new men and women with the spirit of Jesus Christ."


Who: Catholic Evangelist Jesse Romero

What: "Healing of Memories"

When: 4 and 6 (Spanish) p.m. Sunday, March 10

Where: Carson City Community Center, 851 E. William St.

Info: 882-1967


What: "The Seven Sacraments: Channels of God's Grace"

When: 7 p.m., Monday, March 11

Where: St. Gall Catholic Church, 1343 Centerville Lane, Gardnerville

Info: 782-2852


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