C Hill worth protecting

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If there's any Carson City vista worth protecting, it's C Hill.

Aside from the giant American flag representing Carson residents' tribute to patriotism following the Sept. 11 attacks and, of course, the giant C, the prominent hillside space deserves to remain, in a word, open.

That's why we enthusiastically support the recommendation by Open Space Manager Juan Guzman to begin discussion of purchasing private property on C Hill owned by Stanton Park Development.

The big question will be the cost, which will be determined by an appraisal. But the area is clearly among those envisioned by voters when they decided to tax themselves to provide funds for acquisition of open space.

Prominent businessman Dwight Millard, a partner in Stanton Park Development and active on several city commissions, is correct when notes the 470-acre parcel would make a good piece of property for the city.

All the attributes making it desirable for protection also make it desirable for development. Who wouldn't like a home -- or, as Millard suggested, a restaurant -- perched on a perfect viewpoint over Eagle Valley?

It was also interesting to read Millard's comment that one of the reasons it hasn't been developed is the likely reaction from Carson City residents if they saw construction begin on the side of C Hill. We too can hear the howls.

C Hill is more than a view and a tradition, though. It can be a key piece in the

continuing effort to link trails through the Sierra Nevada foothills.

The Open Space Commission can begin sizing up the potential for a purchase when members see a price tag, which will let them know what kind of timeline they are on.

There doesn't seem to be any reason to rush -- as long as we can feel assured we will always see on C Hill nothing but the symbols of Carson City and America.


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