Landfill contract renewed, Fuji Park to get improvements

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Despite a fire that consumed trash at the Carson City Landfill, operating expenses are down, and Carson City Supervisors remain confident the city is operating it efficiently.

Supervisors voted Thursday to keep the city in charge of landfill operations, Supervisor Robin Williamson said.

"Everything is going well despite the unexpected fire," she said. "They are operating under budget and doing well."

Deputy Health Director Ken Arnold said this week the city is paying close attention to the lifespan of the landfill, and has so far operated at $200,000 below projected budgets.

Supervisors handed the operation to the city in March 2001 for a year, on the premise that the city's environmental health and streets departments could operated it cheaper than bidding companies.

City officials estimated they could operated the landfill for between $1.3 million and $1.5 million when they first approved the contract. At that time the lowest bid came in at just under $2 million.

Supervisors also gave the go-ahead for Lumos and Associates engineering firm to start design work for Fuji Park improvements.

The contract for $103,000 includes plans for an irrigation system at the park as well as other design services.

The park is slated for nearly $2 million in improvements, including extra turf, new restrooms, storage areas and, potentially, a picnic shelter.


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