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Rep. Jim Gibbons, R-Nev., filed on Monday for a fourth term in the U.S. House of Representatives saying he has "a number of projects started" topped by the need to establish a strong homeland defense.

But he said he is also working to increase Nevada's share of federal funding. Nevada is 49th in per capita funding from the federal government in funds received for education and similarly low in human resources and other areas. On average, the state receives less than half what most states get per resident.

Gibbons said he is working with House Transportation Chairman Don Young to increase the state's share of transportation money. But he said part of the problem is Nevada's small House delegation.

"Nevada has only two U.S. congressmen and we have to fight a rather uphill battle," he said. The state will get its third member of the House in this election.

Gibbons, 57, said his emphasis is on the needs of the military and the war on terrorism even at the temporary expense of domestic needs.

"The last thing we want to do is lose the freedoms of this nation," he said. "But there is no domestic program we are sacrificing right now. What's happening is we have to spend at a deficit for two years or so until we can get back."

He predicted the GOP would maintain and even expand its majority in the house but as many as 10 members -- including electing Jon Porter as the new, third member of the Nevada delegation.

Gibbons represents Nevada's Second Congressional District which covers all of northern and western Nevada and even part of northern Clark County.

Before his election to the House, he served six years in the Nevada Assembly.


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