Nothing found in search for dynamite

Carson City Deputy Dean Williams reads over a scrap of the San Fransico Examiner dated June, 10, 1923 after it was dug up where dynamite was thought to be buried. Photo by Brian Corley

Carson City Deputy Dean Williams reads over a scrap of the San Fransico Examiner dated June, 10, 1923 after it was dug up where dynamite was thought to be buried. Photo by Brian Corley

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A six-hour search by members of the Tahoe-Douglas Bomb Squad uncovered no dynamite on the southeast corner lot at Roop and Second streets.

The dynamite was thought to have been buried by an unnamed miner, who lived in a small house there about 20 years ago.

The area was cordoned off from about 10:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. Friday as officials sifted and dug through about 1,000 square feet of the property.

Chris Carter, of the Reno Explosion Detection Squad, joined the search in the afternoon, with a German Shepherd named Chattan. The dog, trained to sniff out explosives, found nothing.

According to Tahoe-Douglas Bomb Squad Commander Mark Danihel, a search was initiated last year after a Carson City resident said explosives were buried in another area of the lot. Another individual came forward this year, saying officials looked in the wrong place.

Further complicating the issue, the scent may have dissipated since the dynamite was buried about 20 years ago, making it difficult for the dog to pick it up.

"Age could be a factor, but we can't assume anything," said Danihel. "If someone reports the presence of explosives, we're obligated both morally and legally to take care of the problem."

He said he's relatively confident nothing will be found, but caution and common sense should rule. If anything is found, the Carson City Sheriff's Department should be contacted, 887-2500.

According to Mike Fondi, project manager for Metcalf Builders, Carson City's engineering department stopped demolition earlier this week on the new report of a dynamite cache. The small house on the property is being demolished to make way for a two-story business complex.

"They told us to stop work until these guys were done," he said. "I'd like to start again on Tuesday, if we can get it cleared with the city."

The 14,000-square-foot stucco building will house a number of entities, including the Nevada Public Agency Insurance Pool, the Nevada Association of Counties, and Larry Beller and Associates, a human resources consulting firm.


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