Shawn Lass, Left, and Scott Burgess, right, push the Butt Hut II as Tami ward stears the modified outhouse up E Street during the outhouse races in Virginia City Saturday. Photo by Brian Corley
VIRGINIA CITY -- It was a warm and windless fall day for the 10th Annual World Championship Virginia City Outhouse Races.
Merchants set up tables along the boardwalk and spectators crowded in between cars on C Street as proud owners paraded theirs fastest and finest about noon Saturday.
Parade King Larry Friedman and Queen Dixie Easterwood led the event, followed by that Ole Tyme Saloon classic, the "Urinator."
Not to be outdone, Jack, Tom and Mike entered their pride and joy, the "Portuguese Pirate."
The parade came off without a hitch, save the Lexus and service truck that were somehow caught between the first banner and the Plungerettes.
Dressed in cowboy hats and denim, the Plungerettes rounded out the entertainment, waving their synchronized gilded plungers to a rock tune.
"I thought the parade was a little short. I think it needed more floozies," said Darla Pullan of Mark Twain Estates with a smile. "This is Virginia City. The parade could be short, long, late, you never know. Up here, you're on Comstock time."
The race has been moved from C Street, just down the hill to E Street, to provide more room for racers and vendors. Corn bread and chili is selling for $3 a bowl and this year's event includes a petting zoo, compliments of the Comstock Coyotes 4-H Club.
"We come to Nevada every fall for the hiking, but this is the first time we've seen the races." said Gail Ritter of northwest Indiana. "This is fun, a real cultural event."
Races continue today, starting at about 1 p.m. and should be completed by 4:30 p.m. A special post-party event is scheduled for about 6 p.m. today at the Ole Tyme Saloon at the base of Geiger Grade.