Only one real loser

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Congratulations to those who move ahead to the next space on the political board game as a result of the primary this week. Ken Furlong, Bob Guimont, Ron Knecht, and Tom Grady, among others, will become even more familiar to us in the months ahead as they face the big day in November.

Even though many of those running didn't win, we think there are plenty of wins in these races that aren't immediately evident.

First, no candidate has the market cornered on good ideas. All good candidates listen to their opponents. They learn from them. They take away ideas to incorporate into their platforms. As they launch the next phase of their campaigns they are, undoubtedly, influenced by their earlier opponents, particularly if those opponents are from their party.

These incorporated ideas often strengthen and shape their message. They win from the ideas of their opponents. Those who don't win the popular vote often win by forcing their opponents to address their issues and carrying those ideas and issues to the final runoff.

Voters always win. Candidates who clear the first hurdle can only clear the second by spending even more time with voters, building their understanding of voter concerns.

Scott Burau, Wayne Fazzino, Richard Mendoza, Tom Keeton, Bill Reeves, Bud Southard, and John Wagner are a few of those who didn't win the popular vote but are decidedly not losers. They devoted their time and energy and money toward involvement in the issues because they cared enough to make the sacrifices demanded of candidates these days. We have profound respect for those who care enough to be involved and sincerely thank each of them for doing so.

The losers? Those who didn't give a damn enough to vote. We hope you remember your eighth-grade civics lessons before the November election. There is no such thing as an unimportant election.


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