The general public is invited to visit the facility on that date.
The Lahontan National Fish Hatchery is located five miles south of Gardnerville, just off U.S. 395.
Local area Boy Scouts will provide tours of the facility.
Visitors will be able to follow the life history of the Lahontan cutthroat trout from an egg to its release in local waters.
They will also how the hatchery conserves water by re-cycling it through a biological filter system that uses ultra-violet light to control fish pathogens. Construction of a new water treatment facility will be near completion by the Open House.
In addition, the hatchery is raising about 5,000 Shasta Lake-strain rainbow trout for the 2003 Kids' Fishing Derby. Visitors will be able to view the rainbows, which are currently about twelve inches in length.
For information, call Larry Marchant, Hatchery Supervisor, at 265-2425.