Boy struck by vehicle listed in critical condition

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FALLON - A 12-year-old boy was in critical condition Thursday after being struck by a vehicle Wednesday evening.

Washoe Medical Center spokeswoman Judy Davis said critical condition means vital signs are not stable.

Dylan Kilgallen, 12, was hit at 5:30 p.m. while crossing South Taylor Street with two friends. The boys were returning from a basketball game at Churchill County Junior High School.

"They were not in a crosswalk," said Nevada Highway Patrol Trooper Rena Ferrante-Smith. "They walked out there assuming the car saw them and was going to stop for them."

Dylan was hit by a Nissan Maxima driven by Lisa Wagner, 19, of Fallon. Wagner was on her way to work at a nearby nail salon, according to Deputy District Attorney Russell Smith.

Smith said a preliminary investigation shows Wagner was not speeding. The posted speed limit in the area of the accident is 25 mph.

There were no skid marks and the seventh-grade boy landed in the travel lane, which "means low speed," Smith said. The license plate on the Nissan was bent and Dylan was thrown onto the windshield on impact.

"His head hit the passenger corner of the windshield and he rolled off," Smith said.

Classmates Jared Hale and Mark Hart were with Dylan when he was hit. Hart was grazed by the Nissan but not hurt. Hale said he avoided being hit by diving toward the sidewalk.

Neither alcohol nor drugs are suspected in the accident. Smith said Wagner voluntarily consented to a blood draw for laboratory tests. Blood samples are routinely collected in accidents involving serious injury.

Smith said a witness who lives nearby, the driver in a car directly behind Wagner's and occupant of a vehicle traveling north on Taylor Street all told police the boys walked into the busy street in front of the Nissan.

"It appears it is not driver error. It appears it was pedestrian error. It's still preliminary, but right now it looks like pedestrian error," Smith said.


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