Carson City has been dusted with snow, and we are looking ahead to Thanksgiving. Two groups will help the less fortunate enjoy a wonderful holiday dinner.
Salvation Army's annual "Thanksgiving Turkey Drop" will start soon at Mike's Pharmacy if you want to buy an extra turkey to give to a family in need.
The annual Thanksgiving Meal sponsorship through Kiwanis International provides a Thanksgiving meal from the south Albertsons store for families in motels, hotels, campgrounds or places where they cannot cook a traditional dinner.
The third annual Harvest of Hope is sponsored by Carson-Tahoe Hospital. Cancer-surviving models will show off the latest fall fashions with proceeds supporting the new C-TH cancer center.
Veterans Day is the annual "Adopt A Senior Veteran" spaghetti dinner at the Elks Lodge to raise money to sponsor meals for senior veterans through the Meals on Wheels program.
The annual, two-day Holiday Craft Fair at Carson High School includes more than 150 crafters and entertainment. I hear someone special will be flying in on his sleigh.
Who: Carson-Tahoe Hospital
When: noon, Sunday
What: Harvesting Hope benefit and fashion show
Where: Carson Nugget
Time: Social hour noon to one, then a luncheon, show starts around 2 p.m.
Cost: $40
Phone: 883-3308, fax: 883-3429
Who: Elks Lodge 2177 spaghetti dinner
When: 6 to 8 p.m. Nov. 11
Where: 515 North Nevada St.
What: Adopt a senior veteran for Meals On Wheels. Dinner includes spaghetti, salad, French bread and dessert.
Cost: $5
Who: Salvation Army Annual Turkey Drop
What: Purchase a turkey for a family that needs a traditional Thanksgiving meal.
Where: Leave turkeys at Mike's Pharmacy, 1007 N. Curry St.
When: Coming soon.
Contact: The Salvation Army or Vi Bibee, 887-9120
Who: Carson City Kiwanis International
When: Any time before Thanksgiving
What: A traditional Thanksgiving dinner from Albertsons' south store delivered to family not able to prepare a meal.
Cost: $30 per family
Contact: Ken Beaton, 884-2226
What: Holiday Craft Fair
When: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., Nov. 15 and 16
Where: Carson High School
Cost: $1.50 or $1 with a can of food
Proceeds benefit: The CHS PTSA
Contact: Ilona Stubbs, 883-2062
A big thank you to Kathy Loomis, manager of Starbucks, for holding items collected for hygiene kits for Carson and Lyon County students in need. And thank you to all who enjoyed a cup of coffee and helped a child.
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